Lindau Guidelines 2020
The Lindau Guidelines 2020 were first formulated by Elizabeth Blackburn during the 68th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings in Lindau, Germany (2018).
The Guidelines foster “a new approach for global, sustainable and cooperative open science”. Early-Career Scientists (ECS) have a unique position to promote the dissemination and implementation of these guidelines during their training and as they embark on their independent academic career paths. Currently, 10 goals have been formulated, which can be read in full here. Throughout this website you will find further ideas and resources on how to develop and run your ECS association to best incorporate the spirit of the Lindau goals.
GOAL 01 | Adopt an Ethical Code
The Lindau Guidelines refer to the existing “Universal Ethical Code for Scientists”, developed by Sir David King. This ethical code promotes rigour, honesty and integrity in research; respect for life, the law and the public good; and responsible communication with other scientists and the public. ECS Associations should lay their foundation around such an Ethical Code and promote it within the institutions of their members.
ECS associations could lead information sessions on the ethical code, and ways to implement it. In addition, ECS associations could develop guiding ethical principles that their association should be run by.
GOAL 02 | Cooperate Globally on Global Problems
Global problems require global solutions, and a global network of ECS Associations has the potential to connect researchers around the globe to join efforts to tackle early-career scientists issues. These efforts are coordinated through our Slack Channel, which you can join here. Collaboration panel events can be jointly led between associations of different countries and regions. We encourage you to organise this through our network.
Check also how ECS associations can contribute to global science via inclusive career development programs
GOAL 03 | Share Knowledge
Sharing knowledge for the benefit of humankind is a fundamental goal of scientific research. Making scientific results and data openly available allows greater dissemination of ideas. ECS associations should advocate for the open sharing of knowledge. Global cooperation between ECS associations will also help to share solutions and perspectives about the most pressing issues that scientists face.
GOAL 04 | Publish Results Open Access,
GOAL 05 | Publish Data to Repositories
GOAL 06 | Work Transparently & Truthfully
ECS associations will organize workshops and webinars about preprint servers and data repositories, and advocate for open access publishing within their institutions.
GOAL 07 Change Reward Systems
Changing reward systems aims to appropriately reward scientists who work to uphold the Lindau Guidelines. This includes sharing the knowledge through the generation of data, code or resources which are used by other scientists and investing in transparency and accessibility. ECS associations can lobby institutions and other bodies that award fellowships to take these standards into higher consideration when undertaking academic hiring and promotions.
Along with lobbying for improved hiring practices, we should be advocating for other ECS working conditions issues, including work-life balance, stipends/salary levels and benefits. Check out our resources page for ideas on how to do this. Raising awareness of these issues among leaders at your institution is a good place to start.
GOAL 08 | Support Talent Worldwide
Lindau goal 08 aims to support talent worldwide, and is important in ensuring that early career scientists are supported in the most non-discriminatory and inclusive manner. ECS associations have a strong responsibility in ensuring that their secretariat is representing the diverse needs of their members. Additionally, ECS associations have an excellent platform to advocate for a more diverse scientific workforce. Most research institutions have people from all around the world. In order to ensure that international students and staff are well-supported, platforms for better communication and interaction with local researchers and institutions will be established in the form of community building and networking events as well as welcome packs for new-comers.
GOAL 09 | Communicate to Society
According to the Lindau goals, it is important for scientists to provide usable information to the broader community, and especially in politics, society and industry. ECS associations can contribute in several ways here. ECS associations can assist their members in generating opportunities to speak to policy makers and the media. This is where good relationships with your institutes and other large policy informing-organisations is useful. We also have the power to consult with our members to develop materials that communicate our scientific results to the public.
GOAL 10 | Engage in Education
ECS associations comprise researchers who are currently in training or have recently completed it. In this regard, ECS associations are in a privileged position to empower future generations to pursue careers in science and to actively take part in their training. Most importantly, they are a unique platform to disseminate the principles of the Lindau Guidelines goals through mentoring programs for undergraduate and highschool students, as well as the general public.
Check our resources on how ECS associations can contribute to meaningful mentoring programs.