
We are a group of 9 motivated early-career scientists from around the world including PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers. We have diverse research interests including personalised medicine, quantitative biology and particle physics, but we share one passion: unifying the voices of early-career scientists.

We are dedicated to improving the experience of other early career researchers around the world. Our aim is for this website to be a key resource you can use to start an Early-Career Scientists (ECS) association at your own institution and with other associations all over the world. This project started as a part of the Lindau 2020 Online Sciathon, and we have used the Lindau Guidelines as key principles in the development of an effective ECS association. We believe that ECS associations are important centers to develop and facilitate a forum for the Lindau Guidelines.

We were motivated to start this project as we believe that ECS associations are an invaluable resource for early career researchers to network, learn new skills and gain a like-minded community. Postdocs and PhD students often formulate the main workforce of a research institution. Their voices and concerns need to be heard, and it is also important that they are included in management decisions. However, we have realised that many institutions lack an ECS association, and there are limited current resources available to help associations determine best practice for starting and running an ECS association. We encourage you to share your knowledge through this platform!

Group Members

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

University of Adelaide

Technische Univesität München

Weizmann Institute of Science

Johannes Kepler University

Max Planck Institute for Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics

Indian Institute of Science

Harvard University

Shandong university