USA National Postdoc Association
Includes useful resources on career development, diversity, advocacy and support for international scholars in the USA.
Postdoc Academy
Online program built on the National Postdoctoral Association core competencies to support skill development throughout postdoc training, from orientation to next career steps.
Max Planck PostdocNet
The Max Planck PostdocNet is a networking and lobbying organization for all postdocs of the Max Planck Society. The PostdocNet website serves as a platform for enhancing the postdoc group visibility, openly exchanging information within postdocs, and improving interdisciplinary cooperation within the postdocs in Max Planck Society and beyond.
Elsevier Advancing Postdoc Women Clearinghouse
Women outlining programs and resources offered by 46 professional associations and societies to postdoc women or women in general to enhance their advancement into STEM and social, behavioral and economic sciences (SBE) disciplines.
European council of doctoral candidates and junior researches
Eurodoc’s mission is to represent and consolidate the community of doctoral candidates and junior researchers in Europe in their pursuit of a decent professional life. We aim to be the effective and efficient voice of doctoral candidates and junior researchers at the European level.
ENPA – European Network of Postdoctoral Associations
The European Network of Postdoctoral Associations (ENPA) was recently formed to bring together postdoctoral associations and individual postdoctoral scientists currently working in Europe.
Early Mid Career Researcher Forum
Includes how-to guides for developing gender equity, kindness in science and kick-starting collaboration with early-career researchers.
Graduate Student Association - Start a Grad Group
Under ‘Useful resources’ you will find templates for drafting an Early-Career Scientist (ECS) association constitution and sample meeting agendas.
Postdoctoral Program & Association of MPI-CBG
At MPI-CBG there are about 100 postdoctoral fellows in about 25 research labs, representing 20 different nationalities. In order to foster collaborations and a sense of community among the postdocs, a Postdoctoral Program has been established.
Ten simple rules to initiate and run a postdoctoral association
A paper published in the journal PLoS Computational Biology with easy starting points for an ECS association.
Cafe Scientifique
A guide on how to set up a scientific cafe.